Jason’s start with Apocalypse World (00:24)
Read a Sitch
Exploring gendered moves in Sagas of the Icelanders (02:07)
Open Your Brain - Night Witches
Overview (06:47)
Marks (09:40)
Character retirement (11:10)
Playing to find out within the game’s structure (11:51)
The game’s origins (15:01)
Ghosts move (17:46)
Political Thought move (18:49)
Act Under Fire
Plussikov (19:46)
Zambrow, Poland (21:02)
A bent push rod (22:18)
The 259th (24:32)
A natural-born Soviet airwoman (25:59)
That side of the line (27:35)
This side of the line (32:53)
Zenya Mirova (35:32)
Get Night Witches