David's Notes re: his mass combat custom procedure
Listening to the most recent +1 Forward with Rich Rogers and Davide Pignedoli has me thinking there might be a way of taking something Davide does in City of Judas to facilitate a large scale conflict and the swingy-ness of a large scale conflict: have your players throw a d6 into the middle of the table, starting with a number facing up. We will call this d6 the “battle die.” The higher the number, the more advantaged the players are, and the closer they are to winning the conflict at the outset. Then, have the players describe what they are doing, engaging the normal DW moves. Anytime that will trigger a move in which the players engage with the large scale conflict, layer this custom move over the top of the move they are doing. When you make a move that may help in the large scale conflict, in addition to an 10+ results, describe how the battle is going in your favor and advance the battle die by one. On a 6-, you may swap a result from your d6 for the battle die if it will boost your result to 7-9. If you do so, the GM will describe how something in the battle is going against your forces. When the GM makes a hard move conflicting with the player’s large scale conflict, the GM may additionally reduce the battle die by one. If the battle die would ever be forced to exceed 6, your forces have won! Describe how your forces have won the day. If the battle die would ever be reduced below 1, you have failed, the GM will describe what this day has cost you and your forces.
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May 2019
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