by Horst Wurst
This great analysis is cross-posted from Horst's excellent blog Towards the Black City Most events on the Gauntlet Calendar are part of a four or five session campaign, long enough to explore setting and characters, to allow for character growth and to emulate the typical story structure of introduction, complication, climax, and resolution. However it is short enough to be manageable for grown-ups trying to juggle jobs, family, and hobbies. Some games, on the other hand, demand more commitment: While Apocalypse World is designed with a definite end of the story in mind it will most likely take more than four sessions to finish the story arc. While it is possible to play a satisfying single session of Night Witches it can be much more fulfilling to play a literal campaign from Engels Airdrome to the final duty station Buchholz—or to travel on the Orient Express from London all the way to Constantinople. Challenges Apart from being difficult to plan and organize, longer campaigns also exist in tension with the open table policy of the Gauntlet: As a player you have to sign up for sessions individually and GMs can’t be sure to have the same players over the course of a campaign, a feature that prevents the balkanization of the community when countless in-groups only ever play with the same few players. On the other hand, the series of events that are supposed to form a campaign might feel disjointed if the cast of players constantly changes. Another challenge is to manage relationships between PCs or PCs and NPCs. Many games track the relationship status—e.g. Strings in Monsterhearts—or prompt players to answer relationship questions. Others have NPCs tied to a certain player, for example in Urban Shadows or Apocalypse World. When the players don't take part in the campaign, Strings, relationships, and NPCs cease to be important or disappear completely. Solutions An obvious way to enforce coherence and continuity is to encourage signing up for all sessions. Almost every event on the Gauntlet Calendar will mention this. The Gauntlet GMing best practices document advises GMs to be cautious about going beyond encouraging this (e.g. by requiring that players sign up for all sessions of a series) so as not to undercut the open table policy. The GM or facilitator can, however, reserve a spot for a regular player, or—if it is a continuing series—limit signing up for returning players at least for a certain amount of time, usually 24h. Another less intrusive way to provide a more cohesive experience is to use information on the character keeper (NPCs, places etc) and write session reports or in-fiction documents. Lowell made this adorable session summary in-character for his World Wide Wrestling series and Puckett wrote a slightly exaggerated account of events for our campaign of Ultraviolet Grasslands. However this requires work for the person providing the information and for the new players to actually process them and in general continuity seems to be less of a concern on the Gauntlet. In a casual survey on the Gauntlet Slack most GMs declared that they weren't worried about it. Examples of long-form play on the Gauntlet One way to organize campaigns on the Gauntlet is as a quarterly. While GMs are normally encouraged to keep all the sessions contained in one month they can opt to either put all 12 sessions of a quarterly on the calendar at once or indicate that the first four sessions are planned to be the start of an ongoing series. Notable examples are David Walker’s Masks campaign (14 sessions) and Leandro running the entirety of the Band of Blades campaign in 15 sessions. Quarterlies can also be linked in order to play even longer campaigns: Leandro ran through all the playsets of Masks playing 41 sessions in total. Alun R. approached long form play in a different way with his 30+ Eotenweard games: he occasionally would put a couple of sessions on the calendar that are set in the same setting with characters from one campaign leaving their influence on the world: t. Likewise Donogh used the same class room setup and relationship map for his Balhir run of Monsterhearts 2. In Donogh's 20+ 3:16 campaign NPCs had the biggest influence on continuity. Both didn't limit their sign ups although Alun would sometimes reserve a spot for a returning player. Rich runs several sessions of his Star Wars Saturdays each month but picks a different system from one month to the next. Players can bring back characters from previous series or spinoff new ones based on events in the games they have played. There is a wiki for Star Wars Saturdays that lists the PCs, links to the character keeper and the YouTube vids of the sessions. In December several Gauntleteers joined Rich in running Star Wars games in a big community event. Lastly, long form play can be organized as living world campaigns where several GMs run games in the same fictional world with events in one game potentially having effects on another game. Notable examples are the now defunct Gaunt Marches (a Dungeon World setting with four GMs), and the ongoing Gauntlet Comics, a multiple GM-effort that is set in the same city, with neighborhoods created by players and GMs. An introduction to Gauntlet Comics can be found here: Conclusions I am currently running an ongoing campaign of Ultraviolet Grasslands, an epic pointcrawl over a vast map, with more than 30 sessions played and no immediate end in sight. Initially I was worried that the series wouldn't be suitable for the Gauntlet. Would there even be interest in long-form play? How would it work with a constantly changing cast of characters? To mitigate that I reserved a spot for one returning player (Puckett, who only missed two of the sessions); set up this blog ); created a dedicated channel on the Slack; and designed a sprawling character keeper that tracks trade goods, market prices, locations, NPCs etc. to create a sense of coherence. But looking back I think I shouldn't have been worried at all. Not only is there a demand for longer campaigns, there is also supply: In October there were 20 events on the calendar that were part of a campaign with 7 or more sessions, in November there were 26. Not only is it possible to run longer campaigns with an open table policy, but Gauntlet GMs have the will to make new players coming into an ongoing campaign feel welcome and the players coming into a campaign have the ability to make the sessions stand on their own and feel meaningful.
Greetings, and welcome to the weekly Gauntlet Calendar video roundup! Enjoy these recordings of online games organized through Gauntlet Calendar and the Gauntlet RPG Community. These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the selection of games available every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play or watch more games like these, check out the links and information at the bottom of the post. Star Wars Saturday
GMAC Masters (Session 2) Jo Lene runs for Greg G., Joe A., and Terry (He/Him) The tournament to crown the new number one contender to face the Galactic Master, the Miralukan Jedi Master, Tynda! What will happen with The Beast! Will PO-0D0 bring about a Droid Rebellion? Will the Empire become the asters of the Galaxy once more? Tune in and find out! Offworlders (Session 2) Rich Rogers runs for Philip Rogers, Steven Watkins, and Will H The crew of the Beskar Dionaga face down Guavian Death Gangers and live to tell the tale! Gauntlet Comics Hit the Nazi: Retrieve the Ark (Session 1 of 2) Alun R. runs for Alexi S., Brandon Brylawski, Jo Lene, and Will H Rosy Strand, Ace Reporter, joins her friend Diana Darling (alias Masked Vigilante, Ms Midnight) at the shady Star Nightclub for a rare performance by Mr Midnight, the famed Stage Magician & Mesmerist. "Rocky" Rockwell the brawny Inventor comes along as Miss Strang's protector. There's an out of town torpedo, a complex mechanical device, and a thwarted kidnap...then...a complex family relationship is revealed and a kidnap happens anyway... Democracy is still at risk...until next time, at least... Hit the Nazi: Retrieve the Ark (Session 2 of 2) Alun R. runs for Alexi S., Brandon Brylawski, Jo Lene, and Will H It's still 1935 and our heroes pursue their clues to the fate of Professor Haas, by airship, to the high plateau of central Asia, where the Nazis are rumoured to be 'building something'. There, Rosy Strand, Ace Reporter, gets some fantastic photographs as Ms Fortune, the Masked Vigilante, drives off an attack by Nazi fighters, before Mr Midnight, the famed Stage Magician and "Rocky" Rockwell the brawny Inventor combine their talents to disguise the airship as a cloud and hide it in a deep canyon. After that, there's an old nemesis in a fancy car, an old ally on a camel, and a wager...then...there's a secret Nazi base, a wild-eyed Sorcerer, and a direct threat to New Gauntlet City, the home of Democracy...and finally...a lost lover is revealed to be...'Die Rhinemaiden'! Gauntlet Calendar Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds (Session 2 of 2) Donogh runs for Ema Acosta, Jamila R. Nedjadi, Kass Helfant, and Maria M. Join Izzy, Paula, Petal & Jasmine as they take part in the annual scavenger hunt extravaganza! They find a surprise in a cave and put on a marvelous show for all! Unincorporated: Vigil Creek Nature Preserve (Session 1) Bethany H. runs for David Morrison, Kim Riek, Maria M., and Sabine V. Workers at a Florida park deal with a stray dog, spy on campers, flirt awkwardly over medical documentaries, and hunt for a mysterious creature, while being investigated by a tabloid reporter. Ultraviolet Grasslands: Season 10 - Planet Caravan (Session 3 of 3) Horst Wurst runs for Abe Lincoln Jr., Chris Thompson, Nathan Harrison, and Puckett Trophy Dark: The Paperflesh Advent Shane runs for Bryan, Daniel H., and David Schultz Electric Bastionland: Deep Carbon Observatory Sessions (Session 6) Jesse A. runs for Nathan Harrison, Puckett, and Robbie Boerth In which the dam is breached. Electric Bastionland: Deep Carbon Observatory Sessions (Session 7) Jesse A. runs for Fraser Simons, Nathan Harrison, Puckett, and Robbie Boerth In which lakebed is traversed, and dangerous enemies encountered Girl Underground: Curiouser and Curiouser (Session 2 of 2) Alexi S. runs for Andrea, Leah Libresco Sargeant, Mike I., and Tyler Lominack In which Kat continues her journey through the underground by impersonating a inter-world inspector, confronts Sir Francis Lightfeather, seeks the Lost Queen, and eventually makes her way back home after learning to stand strong in her convictions; featuring a dramatic reunion for Pierce the Construct, a grand adventure for Captain Max Awesome the Runaway, a moving sacrifice for Druthi the Mythic, and a new home for Lumba the Ogre. Night's Black Agents: Roused Prey (Session 4) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, and Pawel S. The search for a missing biochemist offers revelations about a second group and a valued relic, leading to a desperate race to save a teammate being hunted in a cave complex. Brinkwood Legacy (Session 4) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Daniel H., Joel N., Josh Hittie, and Sherri Blood of Tyrants - In this session our brigands discover the true horror of what Sister Red has done in exchange for power. Our rebels hold true to the oaths they swore to the Masks, and use the magic of the Fae to undo the terrible deeds of the vampires. Dovella pays dearly to protect others, Semira is exposed by the Mask of Lies, Cornyx breaks apart shackles, and Bastian delivers vengeance through terror! You can see all these videos (plus all the ones that have come before) on The Gauntlet YouTube channel playlists, and be sure to subscribe to catch all our great podcasts! If you'd like to catch these sessions in an audio-only podcast, check out the community-run Hangouts Podcast at If you'd like to play in games like these, check out the calendar of events and the Gauntlet Forums where games are announced. To support The Gauntlet, please visit the Gauntlet Patreon. Everyone is welcome to sign up for Gauntlet Calendar games, but Patreon supporters get extra options like priority RSVP for Gauntlet Calendar games and joining the Gauntlet Slack team where special events and pickup games are announced. Enjoy, and have a great weekend! Greetings, and welcome to the weekly Gauntlet Calendar video roundup! Enjoy these recordings of online games organized through Gauntlet Calendar and the Gauntlet RPG Community. These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the selection of games available every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play or watch more games like these, check out the links and information at the bottom of the post. Star Wars Saturday
Offworlders (Session 1 of 2) Rich Rogers runs for Philip Rogers, Steven Watkins, and Will H The crew of the Beskar Dianoga take a job soon after losing a crew member to a Bounty Hunter. The trip to a dangerous planet on the Outer Rim reveals some double-dealing, corporate intrigue, and your ever-loving Guavian Death Gangs. Star Wars Saturday Special Edition Hutt Cartel Will H runs for David Miessler-Kubanek, Jim Likes Games, Philip Rogers, and Steven Watkins Civil unrest leads to an Imperial crackdown on Coruscant! The Iron Hand of the Empire reaches even as far down as 1313. A desperate Rebellion turns to the Cartels for smuggling routes to support their beleaguered cells. And Black Sun seeks to take the Hutt Cartel's best cook away from them.... Session Notes typed from memory here. Gauntlet Calendar Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds (Session 1 of 2) Donogh runs for Ema, Jamila R. Nedjadi, Kass Helfant, and Maria M. Join Izzy, Paula, Petal & Jasmine as they uncover a mystery of their camp-mate Lara and her family of Werewolves; and try to reverse the magic that's preventing them from turning back into their human form... Ultraviolet Grasslands: Season 10 - Planet Caravan (Session 2 of 3) Horst Wurst runs for Abe Lincoln Jr., Chris Thompson, and Puckett Apocalypse Keys: Behind the Twelfth Door (Sessions 3 - 4 of 4) Sam Zimmerman runs for Brandon Brylawski, Chris Newton, Dan Brown, and Jex Thomas The doors of the end times are opening, one by one. The eleventh door almost wiped out humanity, and now the twelfth is creaking on its hinges. Humanity is desperate, and even the demons and monsters that once filled our nightmares are welcome allies. Time to prove that you are more than a monster; that you deserve this second chance. Apocalypse Keys is a Powered by the Apocalypse game heavily inspired by media similar to Hellboy and B.P.R.D., where monsters on the fringes of humanity are called upon to stop the impending apocalypse. Players take on the role of members of the DIVISION agency (Department of Interdimensional Vigilance and international Security: Interdisciplinary Operations Network) and need to deal with their own broken humanity, the corporate bureaucracy of the DIVISION, and the impending doom of the universe. All in a day's work. Brinkwood Legacy (Session 2) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Daniel H., Joel N., Josh Hittie, and Sherri Blood of Tyrants - In this session we jump into the dark and twisted land of Cardenfell, revealing our brigands from the Brinkwood! Our rebels chase down a train through the night, stalking a vampire and the precious cargo they carry. Tragic fae characters from several generations ago return, bearing the scars of time and despair. Dovella pushes herself hard to save the worthy, Semira speaks through the fire of Riot, Bastian forms a strange partnership with the mask of Terror, and Cornyx uses blade and shadow without mercy. Apocalypse Keys: Plays Your Dreams Like Concrete And Smoke (Session 3) Leandro Pondoc runs for Brandon Brylawski, Donogh, Sabine V., and SalamanderJames An amusement park bound by magic and dreams of heaven. A wizard trapped within his own domain. An agent seemingly turned against her agency. And four monsters beset by doom and darkness. Escape from Dino Island (Session 3 of 3) Jason Zanes runs for Kyle H., Matthew Arcilla, and Robbie Boerth Our high octane finale! Our kid finds a way to use their mysterious connection to Dino Island. Our paleontologist shoots a gun! At a dino! And our survivor faces off with the dreaded Quetzalcoatlus! Not everyone escapes from Dino Island... Brinkwood Legacy (Session 3) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Daniel H., Joel N., Josh Hittie, and Sherri Blood of Tyrants - In this session our brigands return to the Refuge to rest and recover from their foray. Our characters from our Refuge game show up as NPCs to tend to and assist our brigands. Later the group plans a foray, to honor their oaths to the Masks and to grow the rebellion. It is decided that the Baron's favored Sister Red and their church of blood and bone is the next target. We set up the foray and see what horrors await us! Night's Black Agents: Roused Prey (Session 3) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Pawel S., and Steven S. The team finally lays their hands on a senior enemy operative and a questioning session reveals The Hounds, twin supernatural hunters primed with the scent of Karl and Peter's blood. Decisive action is initiated. You can see all these videos (plus all the ones that have come before) on The Gauntlet YouTube channel playlists, and be sure to subscribe to catch all our great podcasts! If you'd like to catch these sessions in an audio-only podcast, check out the community-run Hangouts Podcast at If you'd like to play in games like these, check out the calendar of events and the Gauntlet Forums where games are announced. To support The Gauntlet, please visit the Gauntlet Patreon. Everyone is welcome to sign up for Gauntlet Calendar games, but Patreon supporters get extra options like priority RSVP for Gauntlet Calendar games and joining the Gauntlet Slack team where special events and pickup games are announced. Enjoy, and have a great weekend! Greetings, and welcome to the weekly Gauntlet Calendar video roundup! Enjoy these recordings of online games organized through Gauntlet Calendar and the Gauntlet RPG Community. These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the selection of games available every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play or watch more games like these, check out the links and information at the bottom of the post. Star Wars Saturday Special Edition
1%er Swoop Gang: Tree Punks! Rich Rogers runs for Matthew Arcilla, Philip Rogers, Sam Zimmerman, and Steven Watkins The FourPunks deliver "illegal cheese" to a mining camp and find out what they're mining! GMAC Masters Jo Lene runs for Greg G., Joe A., Sam Zimmerman, and Terry (He/Him) Part 1 Plutonian Shore: Heist on Hoth Alexi S. runs for Leandro Pondoc, Philip Rogers, Rich Rogers, and Sabine V. Hoth was supposed to be an easy target—but the crew of the Pinion Wisp find themselves beset by Imperial deserters, massive beasts, and their own nagging consciences as they try to claim a prize for their client, Grakkus the Hutt. Star Wars World: Utinni! Steven Watkins runs for Donogh, Jon Grim, and Matthew Arcilla This was supposed to be a simple salvage mission, but turned into a dangerous romp to fence a fantastic treasure while staying ahead of the others in pursuit. Against the Sith Conspiracy Alun R. runs for Jason Zanes, Steven Watkins, usnavi, and Will H Episode VII.5: General Leia Organa calls on EG-A, the force ghost haunted droid, Chan Brohrk the pilot, who is...difficult to pigeon-hole; Mori Pelona the guilt ridden former Imperial tech; and Papa Charmtalker, an agent forced out of retirement because...well, Leia doesn't have much choice. Word is that the Level 1313 Fookpaw crime syndicate, fronted by a droid but run by former crooked ISB Agent Dal Voka, might be a proxy for a mysterious Sith conspiracy. There are missing Jawa, a captured Quarren, and a Gundark arena with a back entrance. Then...stuff happens... Gauntlet Calendar Ultraviolet Grasslands: Season 10 - Planet Caravan (Session 1 of 3) Horst Wurst runs for Abe Lincoln Jr., Chris Thompson, Nathan Harrison, and Puckett Three Sticks Lake II: Return to the Jade Baobab Night's Black Agents: Roused Prey (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Pawel S., and Steven S. After a desperate high-speed escape from a vampiric pursuer, the team digs further into the MI6 agent they extracted, leading to the agents turning the tables on a farmhouse ambush. Girl Underground: Curiouser and Curiouser (Session 1 of 3) Alexi S. runs for Andrea, Leah Libresco Sargeant, Michael, and Tyler Lominack In which we meet a curious girl named Kat, learn how she finds a doorknob that opens onto the Underground, and witness her stumble upon four strange and loyal companions therein; featuring the majestic plumage and two regal heads of Druthi the Mythic, the rambunctious boasting of Captain Max Awesome the Runaway, the startlingly sudden wreckage and rebuilding of Pierce the Construct, and the rescue of Lumba the Ogre from drudgery. Apocalypse Keys: Plays Your Dreams Like Concrete And Smoke (Session 2) Leandro Pondoc runs for Brandon Brylawski, Donogh, Sabine V., and SalamanderJames The more our monsters stay in WizardWorld, the more its walls try to hem them in. There's something festering within the heart of the amusement park and the monsters of the DIVISION may very well drown in it. Shard bargains to gain demonic sight, Hope struggles within a hall of mirrors, Cameron connects with a victim of the park's darkness and Una comes close to heaven. Escape from Dino Island (Session 2 of 3) Jason Zanes runs for Kyle H., Matthew Arcilla, and Robbie Boerth Jessica, a junior Cadcorp employee and survivor of the Dino Apocalypse saves the day and leads our Paleontologist Alex and kid Jules to her hovel. Action adventure happens. Our heroes reach a mysterious installation and meet some friends. Can our heroes escape the island before the dread Xenosaur escapes! 7th Sea d6: On the High Seas (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Patrick Knowles, Sherri, Tyler Lominack, and usnavi We see more of The Bonnie Queen Elly as the ship makes its way to San Sancha where they're tasked with tracking a fugitive spy and discover strange troubles plaguing the Atabaen Sea. Brinkwood Legacy (Session 1) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Daniel H., Joel N., Josh Hittie, and Sherri (In the Face of Our Despair) In this session we played Despair to discover the origins of the fae mask of Freedom (which we first heard about in Brinkwood: Refuge!) In this tale of heroic tragedy and creeping horror, our fae guardians try to preserve what they can from the source of all magic. Winter does what they can for an innocent child of magic before her destiny claims her, Amber sings a mournful song of what will come, Yue goes too far to serve the greater good, and Malachite remembers of love at the worst possible place and time. Witness the story of Freedom before it became the mask of Subjugation... Gauntlet Campaigns Apocalypse Keys: Team Ouroboros (Session 3) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Lowell Francis, Matthew Arcilla, Patrick Knowles, and Sherri Our agents from DIVISION find themselves in a hellish space in between realities before breaking free and finding a different kind of hell awaiting them. Atta binds their fate to Sister Dax, Thorne draws the darkness closer, and Daya lets go of any pretense of kindness. Our agents finally realize the truth, and the good intentions that drew the ire of the harbingers. Apocalypse Keys: Team Ouroboros (Session 4) Jamila R. Nedjadi runs for Lowell Francis, Matthew Arcilla, Patrick Knowles, and Sherri The agents of the DIVISION fight alongside the manananggal to protect their home. The Manananggal Murders come to a strange and unexpected climax, as debts and promises exchange hands. You can see all these videos (plus all the ones that have come before) on The Gauntlet YouTube channel playlists, and be sure to subscribe to catch all our great podcasts! If you'd like to catch these sessions in an audio-only podcast, check out the community-run Hangouts Podcast at If you'd like to play in games like these, check out the calendar of events and the Gauntlet Forums where games are announced. To support The Gauntlet, please visit the Gauntlet Patreon. Everyone is welcome to sign up for Gauntlet Calendar games, but Patreon supporters get extra options like priority RSVP for Gauntlet Calendar games and joining the Gauntlet Slack team where special events and pickup games are announced. Enjoy, and have a great weekend! Greetings, and welcome to the weekly Gauntlet Calendar video roundup! Enjoy these recordings of online games organized through Gauntlet Calendar and the Gauntlet RPG Community. These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the selection of games available every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play or watch more games like these, check out the links and information at the bottom of the post Star Wars Saturday
Republic Rifles (Session 4 of 4) Rich Rogers runs for Anders and Sabine V. Our Republic soldiers complete their mission in the liberation of the city of Syward, but will everyone make it out alive? Gauntlet Sunday Academy of the Blade (Session 4) Lowell Francis runs for Darold Ross, Jamila R. Nedjadi, Patrick Knowles, and Sherri Jonnie takes on the Chairman, but his loss spirals into betrayals and broken promises; Takahiro expresses himself in new ways, and Cass duels Scarlett in a dramatic climax to this arc. Gauntlet Calendar Night Reign: To Bring You My Love Leandro Pondoc runs for David Morrison, Donogh, Eike K., and Sabine V. Off the shores of Laefendport, ensconced upon Fort Leodruhn, the great Lord-Wordsmith of House Foreyda, Logan, attends a wedding feast to celebrate his daughter's upcoming nuptials. For the great traitor of the noble houses, it is a chance to look forward. To the Red Right Hand, a conspiracy loyal to the decimated House Wilderose, it is an opportunity for vengeance. Although our dear assassins and purveyors of skulduggery may find the streets of Liar's Port more treacherous than expected in this hoary night of nights. Ultraviolet Grasslands: Season 9 - Silver Machine (Session 3 of 3) Horst Wurst runs for Abe Lincoln Jr., Brandon Brylawski, and Will H Season of Dreams (Session 4 of 4) Alun R. runs for Matthew Arcilla, Paul Rivers, Sabine V., and usnavi After spending the rest of the series being thrown together and torn apart in the Gloom the characters finally come back together in Salisbury. Shelly Widershins the Human is performing at the Christmas market, while Kit Baxter the Viveru conducts shell games while wearing her human guise. They are found by Fungo the Satyr, and Velura the Lugat, also wearing their human seemings, while leading 7 donkeys that aren't really donkeys disguised as reindeer. Then there's a miracle at a manger; anti-capitalist nuns; Goblins in the form of skin-heads and a black ops team...but don't worry a sphere of silence means the Christmas market is unaffected. Apocalypse Keys: Plays Your Dreams Like Concrete And Smoke (Session 1) Leandro Pondoc runs for Brandon Brylawski, Donogh, Sabine V., and SalamanderJames In the middle of an amusement park sits a prisoner of DIVISION. Despite their influence seemingly curtailed, people have begun missing in the park's lands, forcing the drafting of DIVISION's monsters to look into the mystery. Una the Fallen reckons with a troubling figure from their past, Shard the Pure begins to shift the countenance of the park's workers, Hope the Last shies away from darkness and despair by clinging to friends and Cameron the Summoned enjoys his favorite ride on the park. Night's Black Agents: Roused Prey (Session 1) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Pawel S., and Steven S. Our team's called to Bucharest to serve as back up, but the death of their contact leads them to a medical facility, a kill team, and the discovery of something dangerous in their midst. Checkpoint Midnight: Uneasy Allies (Session 7) Jim Likes Games runs for Alexi S., Brandon Brylawski, and Richard Moser In this session, recovering from last week's debacle, in the form of assaulting your standard secret Nazi science-bunker. Escape from Dino Island (Session 1 of 3) Jason Zanes runs for Kyle H., Matthew Arcilla, and Robbie Boerth A junior paleontologist looking for her mentor, a kid looking for his aunt, and a mercenary soldier looking for a big score land on a mysterious island. They find signs of death and something deadly find them. 7th Sea d6: On the High Seas (Session 1) Lowell Francis runs for Patrick Knowles, Sherri, Tyler Lominack, and usnavi Our crew sets out to rescue a kidnapped young Avalon noble but find themselves face to face with the grim, undead horrors of the ocean. Electric Bastionland: Deep Carbon Observatory (Sessions 4 - 5) Jesse A. runs for Fraser Simons, Nathan Harrison, Puckett, and Robbie Boerth Session 4: In which our adventurers follow some Cannibals and encounter a witch. Session 5: In which our adventurers confront a Golem, skirt another and burn down a windmill. You can see all these videos (plus all the ones that have come before) on The Gauntlet YouTube channel playlists, and be sure to subscribe to catch all our great podcasts! If you'd like to catch these sessions in an audio-only podcast, check out the community-run Hangouts Podcast at If you'd like to play in games like these, check out the calendar of events and the Gauntlet Forums where games are announced. To support The Gauntlet, please visit the Gauntlet Patreon. Everyone is welcome to sign up for Gauntlet Calendar games, but Patreon supporters get extra options like priority RSVP for Gauntlet Calendar games and joining the Gauntlet Slack team where special events and pickup games are announced. Enjoy, and have a great weekend! |
April 2023