Gauntlet Comics: My Life With Mastermind #1/4
My Life With Master
Jim Crocker
Alejandro Duarte, Richard Rogers (orklord), Tom Fowler, Peter Mazzeo
Session Recap
This was a Session Zero episode, with character- and world-building. We started by piecing together our Mastermind, who turned out to be an ex-superhero who has become convinced that more extreme and societal solutions to crime are required. We tied his origin into the existing Gauntlet Comics Universe, and our characters will become part of the shared universe.
When a player suggested that the Master be a former masked vigilante, it unlocked a floodgate of ideas for the world and characters.
Moment of Insight
MLwM is an early Forge-era game, and it's fiddly and arithmetic-intensive. I regret spending time going through the rules and formulas, and should have just rolled into play and explained the systems as we went along.
Actual Play (Content Advisory - Discussion of existence of sexual assault in Lines/Veils creation)