Star Wars Saturday: Impulse Drive (1 of 3)
Content Advisory
Discussion of slavery, violence
Date Played
Impulse Drive
Rich Rogers
Bethany, David, and Sabine
Session Recap
The crew of the Nerf Herder, a small tramp freighter, fly into the spaceport on Rutan in hopes of picking up a contract, but they become embroiled in a decades-old conflict between the Rutani and their neighbors on the planet's moon, Senali.
Quake, the old Clone Trooper, runs into a Twi'Lek he once freed during a mission on this planet, and the two have a brief but pleasant reunion. Val the Scoundrel has a reunion of her own, it's less pleasant. Buza the secret Jedi warns a Bounty Hunter off Val's trail and steals her idents, but that only leads to trouble back on the ship later when the Trandoshan Bounty Hunter comes looking for her poodoo.
After a failed roll to scope out a gambling den, Val the Scoundrel is pulled into a gun smuggling job by her old boss.
Moment of Insight
As the Space Master (the GM in Impulse Drive), I'd prepped the job they would start off with and read about Rutan on Wookieepedia. The players took over the story with their amazing ideas and I rolled with them. I also borrowed ideas liberally from the comic book series Saga, because I steal from the best. The dice gave us lots of little surprises along the way.
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